There is much debate about nature versus nurture; are we a product of our genes, in which case parenting has little consequence other that common sense care, or is it down to our environment which affects the outcome? Well according to Bruce H. Lipton and others, how parents parent is really important because ‘…parents have overwhelming influence on the mental and physical attributes of the children they raise.’ (Verny and Kelly 1981 cited in Lipton 2009). And apparently this all begins before birth and so is particularly relevant to conception (or even pre conception).
It can be very helpful to remember the power of our consciousness and how as parents we are co-creating human life. We are lucky nowadays that there is so much ‘information’ coving everything you need to know about anything but what about YOU? You are vessels of wisdom and we need to hand the baton back to parents so that you can tune into your own font of knowledge and intuition and raise your children consciously. If you learn to approach life from a place of inner knowing – being able to understand your thoughts, feeling and digested your past – your inner compass will lead you on a more fulfilling path.
So if you are wanting to become pregnant, it is great to start the process from exactly where you are…this is the right place to begin this amazing process.
I will assume you have a partner (and this process is for every version of couple, not just heterosexual couples) but if you don’t have one then you can still do the inner work and ascertain why you want a child either on your own or whatever your circumstances are at present (or you may be desiring a baby and also desiring a partner to have one with, so perhaps you can do some exercises to invite in a soul mate partner as well).
Here are some questions that you and your partner can ask yourself, without judgement, to see what may surface so you can process the thoughts and feelings.
Are you both in agreement to having a baby?
Have you started trying for a baby?
Are there any fears, worries or discomforting thought patterns towards having a baby?
Are you communicating about having a baby and on the same page or does one partner want a baby more than the other?
Have a look at your current situation and see if there are any clues that may be hindering conception? Is there too much stress or is the timing slightly out perhaps?
And remember that it is a co creative process.
Here is an exercise to connect you to the power of your own intuition and intention if you are in the conception process or perhaps just thinking about being parents.
Set out a selection of your art materials, different coloured paints, paint brushes, paint palette and paper with a jar of water and cloth. It is useful to have as many as you can so you are free to be spontaneous and choose what you desire in the moment. And have your journal ready.
Make an image for 20 to 30 minutes about anything or you can ask yourself the following:
How am I feeling?
Where am I at – at this moment in time?
What is rising up and wanting to be expressed (in regards to conception/having a baby)?
When you have finished, stand back and observe your picture and see what is going on in it.
Reflect on how it makes you feel and what response you are having to your picture.
What affect are the colours having on you?
What do the different colours mean to you (what do they symbolically represent)?
What do the shapes represent?
What does the scene represent or what is it about?
If you like, make notes in your journal.
Next week I will post a more specific process for Conception but in the meantime, enjoy this warm up exercise AND….Have Fun!
Warmest wishes for a wonderful creative 2013!
Alex xx