Client Info

This is information I give to all my clients. For Groups it is more flexible and about the group experience and supporting each other.

What is Expressive Art Therapy?
My Expressive Art Therapy sessions are a mix of talking, coaching, art making, meditation, guided visualisations, affirmations, pleasure and fun (although a box of tissues are available if needed). You do not need to be good at art as it is not an art class. The aim is not to increase your art skills or make finished pieces of art for exhibiting. You may talk with me about your personal problems, your artwork and your feelings and thoughts. I will not be analysing your art work without your involvement. The aim is for us to journey together, using the art you make to think about what is happening for you personally. Sometimes this can be very moving, or even upsetting for a while.

Sessions are once a week, we will arrange a specific time for you, which will then be the same each week. Regularity and continuity are important for the work and underline the commitment you have made to yourself. If you arrive late for an appointment we will still have to stop at the pre-arranged time. After the initial session, if we decide to continue working together there is no maximum number of sessions.

I will give you notice of any holidays that I have and request as much notice from you about holidays and sessions you are not able to attend. I require a minimum of 24 hours cancellation notice. Missed sessions or cancelled sessions with less than the notice period will be liable to the full fee for whatever reason.

I can be contacted by phone outside the session times between the hours of 9am to 4pm (till 9pm if emergency). If I am not available I will return your call as soon as I can within these hours. If you do not show up for a session and make no contact, I will write to you.

Anything that is said in our sessions together is confidential, including the images you have made. In discussing my work with my clinical supervisor anonymity is preserved. Other professionals (e.g. a doctor) would only be consulted with your permission. In extreme circumstances where I may consider a client to be a danger to themselves or others I may need to break confidentiality and take appropriate action. There are certain legal requirements where there is a duty to disclose.

Unique Individual sessions last for one hour at my home, including all art materials. Fees are payable at the end of each session in cash or cheque. A receipt will be issued if required. I will give notice of any increase in fees. Skype sessions are also available.

Ending therapy:
This is something we can decide together when the time is right. You have the right to take a break or terminate therapy at any time, but I encourage you to discuss this with me so that our work together can come to a satisfactory end.

I ask you to keep your artwork with me for the duration of your treatment. You can take your work with you at the end of treatment if you wish. Otherwise I will keep your artwork for a period of three years after which it will be disposed of confidentially.

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