The Art of YOU – and The Revolutionary Approach to Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond! By Alex Florschutz, MA

Welcome to my first of what will be a weekly Blog (posted every Monday) on conception, pregnancy, birth, parenting, art (you are all a creative genius), feelings, feminine sexuality and MY extraordinary story! I am so excited to finally be sharing with you all that I’ve learned over the past few decades in this Blogging community. I invite you to come closer, gather round and let me share with you my experiences which all started for real in 1998 when I found myself in Bali. It promises to be an astonishing journey and one that changed my life so dramatically.

Unity between the masculine & feminineBut before I reveal all my secrets let me tell you a little about me. My passion is primarily about liberating the creative genius in all of us through the arts. I am an Artist, Film Maker, Art Psychotherapist, an imminent Author, Doula AND not to mention a dedicated Mother of one very spirited, wonderful young man of 13, Jude. He was the catalyst for my parallel passion which is to support conscious conception, pregnancy, birth and being a parent through creative self development, emotional support and love. May I reassure you that I speak from personal experience and everything I talk about I’ve tried and tested or I have found from a reputable source, or discovered with clients. We have self development for all aspects of life where we support the emotional feeling realm of the human being but there is nothing out there which supports the emotional world of a woman and couple who are in the process of becoming parents and preparing for the BIRTH. Whether you are a fist time pregnant woman, a couple wishing to conceive, parents who are having other children, a single parent, or a woman who wishes to process a previous birth (which could be many years ago), or for interest (especially if you are a doula, midwife, childbirth educator, or anyone interested in creating a conscious process), there will be something here for everyone – even fathers who are very important as well and must not be left out! Our entrance to life is sacred and deserves to be treated as such.

My book ‘The Art of Birth – Using the Secret Power of the Arts to Create the Conception, Pregnancy & Birth You Desire’ will be out very soon (early 2013). It is a book on self development for this very important time from conception to birth and beyond.

Here is a taster paragraph from the book…..

Every Human Being starts Life inside a Woman’s body and yet Birth is feared by most Woman – and Men. This is not surprising as over 50% of Births in the UK require medical intervention and this statistic is rising. Most of these Births can be traumatic for the Mother and not to mention the Baby. Birth is our entrance into this world and it has an impact that stays with us throughout life. If we can heal the fears, emotional barriers and life diminishing thought patterns that hinder the natural, pleasurable flow of Birth, then we can birth our babies – the future generations of this planet – more peacefully. This book offers personal development tools through creative self expression and the Arts which I have discovered is compatible with the creative process of pregnancy and birth. Art is physical, spiritual, intuitive and tangible and is the way back to our authentic Selves, so let us pay tribute to Life through the Arts and celebrate the creative spirit. Join us to reclaim the importance of birth as a powerful rite of passage for a Woman (and Man) as empowered givers of life. My personal story underpins the book which was the catalyst for my positive birth experience and general life change. It also includes my art work which charts my creative journey, a parallel journey from conception to motherhood. This exciting, first of its kind book, promises to be not only informative but very much ‘transformative’ and for anyone who is interested in being a conscious person. We are all connected and so we all share the responsibility for supporting a positive outcome for new life and thus creating an overall paradigm shift for birth. If we approach birth in a conscious, positive, loving, gentle way, then we have the opportunity to manifest this shift.

I will leave it there for this week and look forward to whetting your appetite next Monday with my extraordinary story of how this journey began (The Art of Me and How I Discovered the Meaning of Life Through Giving Birth to Jude)!
May your week be full of creative expression especially with the Full Moon tomorrow. Take some time to celebrate the amazing person you are either by painting, drawing, writing, dancing or sculpting and I can’t wait to be with you again next week.

Much love,
Alex xx

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