Dear Friends,
Well it’s been a busy few weeks getting my book ready and planning the Launch! It is going to be on the 9th November and hope you will join me to celebrate its birthday. I also hope to stream it live on something like Google+ Hangout so you can join the celebrations from where ever you are in the world with an internet connection!
However, I have been compelled to write my response to the ‘hoo haa’ going on in the media surrounding the video of Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. I first read Sinead O’Conner’s open letter on a Facebook Newsfeed commenting on Miley’s over sexualised behaviour in the video and thought it was very thoughtfully written. I then went and watched the video and I was shocked. The reason being that I found it astonishing that in this day and age, where female talent CAN be (or IS) taken seriously, Miley chose to get naked and writhe around a building site making out with a sledgehammer. I laugh at the ridiculousness of it as I write. Why is it that, once again, a woman feels she has to take her clothes off and act like she is in a soft porn film to get noticed or make sales. I know sex sells and I have nothing against nudity or sex but it just felt inappropriate. It felt like Miley had succumbed to feeding the industry that promotes the sexual objectification of women. I don’t want to fan the flames of this industry so women will continue to be reduced to objects of sexual desire that aim to gratify the male gaze. Men are not going to change; so perhaps women should not exploit themselves in a way that keeps this industry going?
I asked myself why it bothered me. Surely it is ok if a beautiful girl wants to take her clothes off and use her sexuality to get more record sales, fame or whatever the reason? But if we use our sexuality to make more sales which equals money, then surely that is the definition of prostitution? Or as the dictionary says ‘The corrupt use of one’s talents for personal or financial gain’. And I think it is a corrupt use of her talents. One could also argue what is so wrong with prostitution if it is a free choice?
Miley is so beautiful and talented and even if she wants to ditch her school girl persona and be taken seriously as an artist and mature woman, why does that mean you have to take your clothes off and flaunt yourself naked in an overtly sexual way. You wouldn’t see e.g. Adel getting her kit off and writhing around snogging a sledgehammer? And once again Miley has a very skinny pubescent body, with shaved pubic hair, and although she looks very sexy, she is also portraying the image of an unrealistic body type for young girls around the world. Women in Miley’s position do have a responsibility to be mindful of the example they present to the teenage girls of this world, even more so in the age of the internet, mobile phone etc. It is very confusing for our teenage girls seeing this kind of behaviour and thinking that is the only way they are going to get attention, respect, or even love by flaunting their body for male attention and then approval! It is also hard for our young boys who are fed these images and think that is what women are… objects! Miley has a great voice, looks beautiful and is charismatic but in my opinion she just went a little too far. Love and respect yourself first and show us more of your talents and less of your tits!
Have a great week,
Love Alex xx