Dear Friends,
Well what a night it was last night!!!
I did my first ever Webinar… an online talk, with PowerPoint presentation for ONE whole hour! It was so fun and it seemed to work well according to my audience 🙂
Irresistible Birth – Six Secrets for a Pleasurable Pregnancy and Birth
So if you would like to have a listen, there is still time because I made a recording of the whole presentation. It’s on Replay at the moment and streaming live from my website. All you have to do is go to and sign in and you will see the Webinar page/link and on there is the link to the Webinar Replay. Very simple… just 3 clicks away!
It will only be Replaying for a short period of time so do pop along as soon as possible so you don’t miss your chance… and tell your friends.
Wishing you a wonderful Easter and see you in a couple of weeks.
Warm wishes,
The Irresistible Birth Coach