I love exploring creation mythology, especially the earth/fertility mother/goddess, as it offers fascinating insight into the potential mirror of the conception of human life, thus making pregnancy the ultimate creative process. Many cultures speak about the world being created out of ‘nothing’ or ‘the primordial waters’ of the universe by an omnipotent and often genderless god (i.e. the Book of Genesis (first chapter), Egyptian, Australian, Greek and Mayan). Gods always had a female counterpart and visa versa and each had equal status and respect. Then there is life emerging from a world egg (Africa, China, India, South Pacific, Greece, and Japan) and Polynesians thought life was created from a coconut shell. In primeval mythology we always find a goddess whose sole purpose is bringing fertility, or being the archetypal mother. In each era we have a unique life giving mother goddess: In Roman and Greek times we have the mother goddess Hera and the earth/fertility goddess Demeter. The Celts had Dana the mother goddess and Brigid goddess of healing and fertility. Norse myth offers Frigg and Fjorgyn. Egypt, Mesopotamia and Iran have Isis (earth mother), Zarpanitu (birth goddess), Inanna (goddess of fertility) and Anahita and Tishtrya (water/fertility). In India and Japan we have the mother goddesses from two different streams Parvati and Aditi. There is also Gaia, Devi, Eve, Virgin Mary and Sophia and many more. (Cotterell, A., & Storm, R., 1999).
I think the essence of mythology could reconnect us to something higher and more powerful than ourselves, instead of the current over emphasis of materialism. It suggests we belong to a greater creative source which if we tap into may give us the strength to overcome the fear of giving birth and stay within our power. Women need to unleash the new ‘Wild Woman’ who, in the true words of Estes, ‘are filled with passionate creativity, and ageless knowing; emotional truth, intuitive wisdom and instinctual self confidence’ (Estes 1998). Women have traditionally been raised to keep their feelings quiet and be good little girls! So to achieve this inner freedom, or wild nature, we need to break the hereditary patterns that tie us to past ways of being. How can we do this? I believe it can be achieved by exploring ourselves creatively – to paint, draw, sculpt, dance, write, sing and express our truth – without agenda or judgement. Let us unleash the passion within!
Enjoy a Festive week!
Love Alex xx
Fertility Goddess