Come and Discover the Secrets of the Red Tent Revival

Dear Friends,

Ever since I told you about the Red Tent Revival (that epic online event hosted by Kristin Sweeting Morelli), things have really been heatin’ up!

Kristin is seriously going all out to bring women everywhere an experience like no other and over the last few days, she’s been revealing what she calls ‘The Secrets of the Red Tent’.

There’s 8 in total. 3 will be released before the event starts at 8:00pm Eastern today (Friday), May 16th… the rest will be shared each day of the revival.

She’s already released a couple.

Check them out here.

These secrets are total game-changers for us as women… and, let me tell you, I wish I knew them a loooooooooooong time ago.

It’s this wisdom that will allow us to reclaim the life we’ve been craving, reconnect with our truth, and experience more joy than any of us ever thought possible.

Make sure to start with secret #1. This is probably the most important secret of all because it affects everything in your life. Your health, your happiness, your relationships… everything.

And it’s a secret you can’t afford to ignore.

Get Red Tent Secret #1 here.

Oh…and HAVE FUN!!! 🙂

Warm wishes,
Alex xx

p.s. When you head to this page, make sure to sign up so you get the rest of the secrets as they come!


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