Psst… want to join the juicy online party of the year? The Red Tent Revival is back!

Dear Goddesses,

I have something to share with you that is sooo fun and it just might rock your world.

I only ever share things that I’ve tried and enjoyed myself and this is going to be amazing! I know… I’ve been before.

In fact, it’s something that most WOMEN want – but is usually afraid to ask…

And the best thing about this is that it’s LIVE.

It’s a FREE 5-day Online Festival that will REVIVE everything about being a woman.. There is really something for everyone.

It’s called the Red Tent Revival and it’s happening on 17 – 21 May.
Red Tent Revival

All you have to do is follow the link, enter your name and email and then you have your exclusive pass to the online party. Let’s all share our thoughts and experiences!

It’s hosted by Kristin Sweeting Morelli who is known for breaking down barriers and empowering women… and for years, she’s very much wanted to bring to life an epic, totally unique, online experience, available to women around the world! I joined last year and had a totally life changing experience.

This Red Tent Revival is a reflection of a journey to pleasure that has completely changed her life… and mine!

And now I want to help you change yours in ways you can’t even imagine.
Red Tent Revival

In the Red Tent you’ll learn the ancient secrets to reviving your pleasure and returning to your feminine truth… but it doesn’t stop there.

You will be able to listen to lots of different talks on amazing topics related to being a woman.

There’ll be dancing… lots of dancing.

There’ll be sisterhood…

And there’ll be a few unmentionables…

But mostly, there will be 5 days of unbridled fun!

You don’t want to miss it! I’m personally inviting you to join me, Kristin, and tens of thousands of women in the Red Tent Revival.

All you have to do is click here. Red Tent Revival
And it’s totally free!

Join me and lets have some fun!!!

Alex xx

P.s. Men are welcome to join in too if you can handle it! Get ready to be enlightened… 🙂

Pleasure Tribe with Kristin
Pleasure Tribe with Kristin
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